Tuesday, March 6, 2012

CASABLANCA is coming! One night only!

CITIZEN KANE can go suck it. If film historians were HONEST, they would admit the movie is slow and pretentious. CASABLANCA, however, deserves to be one of the top films of all time. It's not only hilarious and wildly entertaining, it's "invisibly" directed - which is much tougher to do, unlike CITIZEN KANE, where you're aware every time the camera moves.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Still "cleaning the bathroom" on the novel...

Did I mention how TEDIOUS it is to make changes on MS WORD from a marked-up hard copy? There's no "creating." It's line by line, page by page of add a comma here, change a word there, correct this or that sentence - i.e., "work." I want to scream.