Friday, June 26, 2009


The movie I've been waiting to see all year is FINALLY here...well, a week away. One of my favorite directors of all time, Michael Mann. One of the best actors of all time, Johnny Depp. And Christian Bale, who's excellent. Can't wait.

Mann got to make his "Miami Vice" TV series movie, the underrated "MIAMI VICE." Now, he's made his (unofficial) "Crime Story" movie - the short-lived but stylish TV show he executive produced in the 80's.

July 1st, man.

UPDATE: Very good film. Almost a great film. Like with "MIAMI VICE," this may have been trimmed for time, and the added material will improve upon the theatrical cut.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

HK/American Crime Thriller: The Final Chapter

I am done. Fini. Over. Finished.

My 90's Hong Kong crime thriller, by way of Michael Mann, is completed. It's off to my manager and I'm off to the beach until next week, and then it's back to the keyboard for my next script.

Monday, June 22, 2009

HK/American Crime Thriller Part III

(Gotta give props to the best pure action movie ever made.)

I didn't get to make as much of a dent in the script at work as I had originally planned, putting me somewhat behind. However, obstacles just make accomplishing a given goal that much sweeter. And I will finish this script by Friday morning.

I've divided the screenplay into four 27 page blocks, putting the final page count at 107-109. I was able to polish around 40 pages at work. That took care of the 27 pages of today (Monday) and about half tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursday, however, I'll have to go a lot slower, having to account for the "at-work" polish that didn't complete, plus this final polish.

Everything is on schedule. What I find ironic, though, is despite this pressure-cooker deadline (that I've imposed on myself), I actually feel a lot looser and more free than my normal writing schedule. Yes, this is like having the house already built and you're just doing touch-ups inside and out, as opposed having to do wholesale changes in the story, but I feel zero stress and I'm actually having a ball. I guess it's because I'm allowing myself mucho-food and DVD rewards this week. Also, it may because this is the script that's supposed to sell and the good Lord is providing me with the needed muse. We shall see...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

HK/American Crime Thriller Part II

This week I'll be on my Desert Island. That means phones off, door locked, shades pulled, a plentiful supply of good food and beverage, and nose-to-the-grindstone, pedal-to-the-metal, rock-'til-you-drop writing.

On Friday, my manager contacted me about a company looking for low budget action thrillers in the vein of "TAKEN," "DEATH WISH," etc. I'm actually polishing a script right now - my Michael Mann meets 90's HK Triad potboiler action thriller - that's exactly what they're looking for. Problem is, I'm still polishing it, and I leave for the beach next Sunday.

That means I have until Thursday evening to complete this script.

I got to page 85 (of 107 pages) of the polish last Thursday. That leaves me 22 pages of the original polish, plus starting from the beginning and doing a final pass.

I printed out a copy for work, hoping to knock out a fair amount on my breaks before my actual writing days, Monday through Thursday. Since this isn't rewriting, only polishing, I can just concentrate on making what I have better and not have to worry about changing whole story elements.

I'll break it all up with rewards: "Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 3" and "Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 2" DVD's, DVR-ed "Corner Gas," and Netflix.

No guts, no glory. No pain, no gain. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Away we go...

Thursday, June 4, 2009


My femme suspense thriller is currently on the desk of the fine creative executives at the Lifetime Movie Network. For a guy in his mid-30's, I generally enjoy Lifetime cable movies (more of the suspense thrillers.) These are usually Canadian productions with an American lead. Sometimes all Canadian. I've been a big fan of Kristin Lehman for quite awhile. (She and Johnny Messner were remarkable on the short-lived TV show "Killer Instinct.") I'd love to see her in the cast. Prayers, fingers crossed. "NOTHING TO FEAR" is tailor-made for LMN.

"TREASON" Update

It's a no-go from Stage 6 at Sony Home Entertainment. They passed. This low-budget actioner would've found a nice home amongst their Steven Seagal, Wesley Snipes and Jean Claude Van Damme direct-to-DVD pics. (Did Snipes and Van Damme do some Sony direct-to-DVD flicks? I think so. Too lazy to look it up. Too lazy to write complete sentences.) Anyway, oh well. No big deal. I still think Jason Behr would be ideal for it. Onward and forwards...